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group healing

Reclaim your true essence and journey back to your core self through the power of group healing and guided meditation.

return to self

Return to Self is a monthly group healing session designed to help you reconnect with your core essence, align with the frequency of love, and begin the journey of self-remembrance. This transformative experience will support you in healing past traumas, shining light on hidden aspects of yourself, and integrating fragmented parts of your soul.


Through a deeply guided meditation, you’ll be held in a safe, nurturing space that encourages you to let go, trust, and allow yourself to connect with higher aspects of self. By breaking free from the illusions of polarity consciousness, you’ll be invited to remember that at your very core, you are love. This healing session will gently guide you back to this truth, empowering you to see beyond the illusions that separate you from your true self.


Together, we'll explore:


  • Connecting to Your Energies: Tap into your inner power and intuition, guiding your own personal healing experience as you deepen your self-awareness.

  • Guided Healing Meditation: Connect to the frequency of love and experience deep connection as you return to the true essence of who you are.

  • Healing Past Traumas: Release what no longer serves you, and allow love and light to heal old wounds, creating space for expansion.

  • Illuminating the Shadows: Shine light on hidden aspects of self to bring about self-acceptance and integration.

  • Reconnection to Higher Self: Align with higher frequencies, allowing you to step into expanded awareness and self-compassion.


This monthly gathering serves as a beautiful reminder that, beyond the roles, labels, and experiences, you are a being of love. Join me as we journey back to ourselves and rediscover the magnificent truth of who we really are.


Let’s walk together on this path of remembering and self-discovery. Reclaim your essence, release the past, and return to self.

Hi! i'm leanne

I am a Multidimensional Healer, Channel and Soul Expansion Mentor here to support your healing and transformation journey.


With a deep passion for helping individuals connect back to self, I use intuitive practices, energy healing, and meditation to facilitate profound shifts in awareness and connection.


My mission is to empower you to release limiting beliefs, heal past traumas, and embrace the love and light within. Together, we will unlock your true potential and create a life filled with purpose and joy.


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